Side note: I'm not one that likes to be left out of current events. It's why I will sit and watch an award show, waiting to be a first-hand observer of that one moment everyone will be talking about tomorrow... It's why I love Jimmy Fallon (he's so relevant). It's why I watch Idol, or The Voice. Or the Super Bowl, even if I don't have a dog in the hunt. I just don't like being left out.
But back to this morning...
I googled the piece-of-the-lyrics that my Hero mentioned and discovered it was a Prince song. I appreciate Prince. I watched and laughed when he was on New Girl (cause I'm relevant). But I didn't grow up listening to his music. In fact, he was popular when I was a young-mommy, and that's when I took an unintentional break from pop culture. No movies, no music. We did get a VCR during that time, and rented The Jewel of the Nile about 6 times cause we didn't want to accidently rent something racy... But I digress...
So, I've been thinking about Prince. I downloaded the song, Let's Go Crazy, by the way, and I've listened to it about a dozen times, as this is how I enjoy new music...put it on repeat for a few days. Anybody?
Prince. Teachers. Friends. Artists. Business owners. Almost everyone in my circles (or, wannabe circles) is younger than me. And while I love and learn from all those around me, I'm longing for another perspective... The perspective that comes from having raised your children. The perspective that comes from being married to the same man for over three decades. The perspective of having grandchildren. The perspective that comes from having an empty-nest and missing your full-one. The perspective that comes from wondering "now what"? The perspective from enjoying newly-found freedom. The perspective that comes from enjoying new-things in new ways.
I'll continue to love and glean and learn from my people. And I'll like it. But, also, there's my new want-ad:
Wanted: Mentor. Must be at least 55 years old. Must be married at least 30 years. Must have grown children. Must have grandchildren. Must be fun. Must be lots of fun. Must have some problems or else I'll get discouraged as my problems are many. The pay and hours will be terrible. The rewards, however, will be outstanding as I am an excellent student.
Something like that.
Hoping that you sound a bit like me. Hope you're surrounded by all types, shapes and kinds of people. Hope you love and are loved. Hope you, too, are earnestly and comically looking for more...
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