Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Let's Do This...

Basically, it all boils down to this one thing: It's what we DO with what we HAVE that makes the difference...

It's the 4 D's...
Diligence, Determination, Drive, Discipline
These are the keys to success in just about anything (I'm quoting my brilliant husband here)...

It's why world-class athletes are world-class. It's how we know the name of a particular designer and why we buy his or her wares (cough, cough, Kate Spade purses, cough). It's why some businesses suceed and some fail.

Do we want it bad enough? Are we willing to look or sound foolish for it? Will we believe in ourselves long enough to give it a chance?

Enough with status quo. Enough with ruts and burn-out. Let's dig in and discover what it is that we bring to the table. Then, let's dish it up like no one else can... 

Let's be set apart. Let's not shy away from the opportunity to be different. Or, to MAKE a difference!

And let's have the patience to be in it for as long as it takes. Sometimes, it's just a matter of giving up too soon.

And with that, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to work on my etsy shop...

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NKJV)

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